Justfit EMS.

Start your own EMS business and change lives.

Free EMS business library.

Supercharge your EMS fitness business with the ultimate toolkit to fuel your success.

Connect with our EMS business expert.

Ready to take the EMS business world by storm? Book a one-to-one meeting with our expert and unleash the full potential of Justfit devices & business opportunities!

Fast-track your profits with Justfit EMS and see results in just 2 months.
Minimal investment of 4,000 Euro.
Only 1 month set-up period.
Return on investment in 2 months.
Discover who Justfit EMS business is tailor-made for.

Personal trainers

We designed Justfit as a unique EMS product suitable for professional personal trainers who regularly perform one-to-one training in the studio or in the home of the clients. No heavy equipment, small space requirement, 100% mobility. Exactly what PTs need.



Getting started in EMS is first and foremost a business decision and if done well, it can be a very lucrative one. Over the years we have analysed our most successful partners and how they run their own EMS business. Therefore, we can help you to find the business models that will produce the best results for you.



Growing awareness of a healthy lifestyle increases the willingness to invest in health, which represents a huge potential for companies that offer innovative solutions to the above needs.


Shop-on-shop (corner) operators

The shop-in-shop concept is adaptable to all types of gyms and fitness business, any sizes and circumstances. Just utilise your empty spinning classroom, a non-used aerobic room or simply an empty corner in your gym and start your EMS business.

Once your new clients become regular members, you can cross-sell one of your other services to them.

5 reasons to launch your EMS business now.
Low level of competition
Profitability of 1 m2 of space in one of the highest in the fitness industry
Minimum space requirement is only 4 m2
Minimum investment starts at only 4,000 Euro
Quick & easy set-up of business
Get a 360° insight into your business opportunities!
EMS training?
Exactly what your clients want.
The science behind electrical muscle stimulation technology.

During traditional strength training the brain sends bioelectrical impulses which cause certain muscles to contract. However, not all muscles have a well-developed connection to the brain, and these muscles are not as easily activated, therefore they will not develop so well. This way we can never train with full force, even if we want to.

EMS (electrical muscle stimulation) however, with low-strength electrical impulses, directly stimulates our deep muscles thus deceiving our body’s natural reactions and training almost 100% of our musculature. EMS training is a completely safe form of working out and as such, it has been used for medical and rehabilitation purposes for a long time.

How does EMS technology work?

The special EMS suits are equipped with 11 built in stimulation channels according to muscle groups: 1. triceps, 2. biceps, 3. trapezius, 4. pectoral muscle, 5. abdominal muscle, 6. lower back, 7. latissimus dorsi, 8. gluteal muscle, 9. front thigh, 10. rear thigh, 11. calf.

As the client starts to move through exercises, their body will feel small sensations as the electric current causes the targeted muscles to contract. While it doesn’t hurt (though it may feel a bit strange at first) they’ll feel the muscles contracting right away.

EMS is the practice of delivering tiny pulses of electricity to the muscle while working out. These contractions mimic the body’s natural muscle contractions after brain stimulation to elevate the training’s intensity. This training method aims to fortify the muscle strength of the targeted muscle groups.

How does EMS training take place?

Upon arrival, the personal trainer helps the guest put on the electrode suit. Depending on the type of suit, electrode pads may need moistening before use. After making sure that the electrode pads fit properly, the training can start.

With the help of the Justfit application running on the tablet, the trainer sets the appropriate impulse strength for each muscle group individually. The
trainer presents the exercises to the client and helps in the correct execution. The training program can completely be tailored to the body type and goals
of the client.

EMS training vs traditional training.

The EMS makes muscles work harder for longer, and more effectively, than traditional strength training. This is because using EMS enables the simultaneous tensioning of all the major muscle groups, including the stabilising “core” muscles, which are hard to reach with traditional training methods.

Because of its impressive effectiveness, EMS training is gaining popularity all over the world.

Traditional training Justfit™ EMS training
Duration of training 60-90 min 20 min
Necessary training frequency 5-6 times per week 2 times per week
Calories burned during training 400 Kcal 500 Kcal
Calories burnt after training None 1200 Kcal in 4-6 hours, 4000 Kcal in 2-3 days
Expected maximum heart rate 180 120-130
Visible change after 15-20 trainings after 4-6 trainings
Anti-cellulite effect no yes
Weight-loss 1x cca. 3x quicker
Calorie burning – counter during training no yes
Online trackable training statistics no yes
Free online nutritio gnuidance no yes
Opportunity to a group training with one trainer no yes
The trainer can continue the training program anywhere in the world no yes
The physical presence of the trainer is absolutely necessary during training Yes No (it can be programmed online, so the trainer can conduct the training from the other side of the world)
Chance of muscular injury high very low
Chance of back injury high very low
Efficiency against urinary incontinence no yes
Joint indulgence no yes

Safety first.

Dr. Laszlo Kadar, MD
Dr. Laszlo Kadar, MD

Justfit is an electric muscle stimulation device that is suitable for training, therapeutic purposes, and body-shaping, skin aesthetic cosmetic treatments.

Healing with the energies of nature is as old as humanity. Hippocrates already recognized and applied the possibility of stimulation therapy using electric fish (eel, stingray, catfish). The theory of the mechanism of action was clarified in the 1960s. After that, the development was determined by the application of the results of microelectronics. The Justfit technology opens new horizons in stimulation therapy possibilities, as it helps to prevent skin aesthetics, muscle underdevelopment, weight gain and musculoskeletal problems when using the device.

Simply put, the Justfit device can do what the brain can’t. While the brain can stimulate most of the muscle fibers, the device can stimulate almost 100% of them, so it can achieve greater synchronization between the fibers. Furthermore, unlike the human brain, the EMS device works the muscles with consistent and quality impulses without overloading the cardiovascular system or causing psychological fatigue. This produces better and safer performance gains than doing traditional training alone.

In summary, through proper stimulation with the Justfit device, the human body is not only able to increase and condition muscles, but simultaneously regenerates, renews itself and starts its self-healing processes.

The true potential of EMS business: who stands to benefit the most?

You are an entrepreneur from the beauty sector

As the use of EMS in the beauty industry is relatively new, incorporating it into a beauty studio can provide a competitive advantage over other businesses in the industry that have not yet adopted this technology. This can help attract new customers and retain existing ones.

You operate a fitness studio or gym

Implementing EMS in a fitness studio or gym provides with an opportunity to enhance your workout offerings, differentiate your business, increase revenue, diversify their services, improve customer satisfaction, and gain a competitive advantage.

You are a new entrepreneur planning your entrance into the fitness industry

The demand for EMS is growing rapidly as people are increasingly interested in finding quick, efficient, and effective ways to stay fit and healthy. EMS sessions can be sold at a premium, providing higher margins than traditional fitness services. By launching an EMS studio, you can generate significant revenue and profits for your business.
Free EMS business library.

Unlock the power of the EMS business with our exclusive library of resources. Delve into a wealth of information, from ROI calculators to compelling case studies and dynamic video content. Elevate your decision-making game and pave the way for your business’s triumph with our comprehensive toolkit.

Connect with our EMS business expert.

Ready to kickstart your EMS business? Gain invaluable insights into the world of Justfit devices and explore exciting new business opportunities. Get ready to supercharge your success with expert guidance and personalized advice.

Marianna Koshkina
Senior EMS business consultant
Peter Hochstein
Senior EMS business consultant

The Justfit ecosystem.

Unlock the power of electric muscle stimulation for efficient and effective workouts with the cutting-edge Justfit technology.

Justfit EMS suits.
Choose your style!
Justfit Aura
Tablet software iOS/Android
Justfit Aura is a uniquely developed online, cloud-based software optimized to the everyday tasks of trainers and studios managing several clients. You can access all the information of your Justfit system with only one click.
Justfit Aura Studiomanager system
Be up-to-date with all your relevant data
Operating a studio requires almost constant presence to assure that everything runs smoothly, yet no studio owner can be in their studios all the time. Remote-controlling your fitness center when you are away is a must to reach permanent profits. The cloud-based system provides user access on different levels: distributor, studio network owner, studio owner, trainer. Access all the information of your Justfit systems with only one click.
Justfit Control Unit
Ultralight case, spectacular design
The brain of the Justfit EMS ecosystem. Click it on the back or on the side of the suit, start the app and let the training begin. The control unit is connected to the suit in a simple “click-on” way and then connected to the app via wi-fi. This allows for easy-to-manage wireless EMS training with maximum efficiency.
The core features that make the Justfit system stand out.
Wireless technology
11 stimulation channels (22 electrodes)
3 pre-set training modes: cardio, strength & massage
Dry & wet unisex suits in skin or studio style
Portable, ultralight devices
For iOS & Android
Compile exercise packages of favourite pre-set exercises
Video trainer
Integrated training templates
Heart rate monitor, Ohm-meter, bioimpedance meter
Both for indoor & outdoor use
Group training available for up to 30 (!) people
Watch real training videos.

Unlock an abundance of Justfit training and product videos in our digital library and take your EMS fitness know-how to the next level.


Unlock an abundance of Justfit training and product videos in our digital library and take your EMS fitness know-how to the next level.

Justfit Pirato
configuration feature
For one-to-one training
configuration feature
Not extensible, no add-on options
configuration feature
Ideal for PTs, physiotherapists, and small studios
Justfit Pro & Pro+
configuration feature
Prepared for multiuser option (group training)
configuration feature
Extensible, flexible add-ons
configuration feature
Available with or without an EMS stand
configuration feature
Ideal for fitness and beauty studios and gym corners
Justfit Freestyle VCTRY 5 & 7
configuration feature
For group training of 5 or 7 users
configuration feature
Extensible for up to 30 users
configuration feature
With the brand new VCTRY EMS stand
configuration feature
Ideal for fitness studios and gyms

Explore the Justfit business library to access detailed product catalogues for the aforementioned products. Expand your understanding and make informed decisions.

Justfit franchise opportunity.

Justfit is excited to announce the launch of our franchise opportunity, offering entrepreneurs the chance to open their very own Justfit studio.

Minimise business risk
Save time and money during the set-up phase
Proven marketing strategies
Enjoy the benefits of continuous innovation
Complete support at every turn
Feast your eyes on our business library, brimming with the franchise book and an array of other invaluable EMS business essentials. Get ready to take the first step towards entrepreneurial success with Justfit.
Justfit assistance timeline.

Your success is our success. Therefore, you will enjoy our complete support at every turn.

Dedicated key account manager
Unique, personalized financing models
Business set-up assistance
Justfit EMS Trainer Academy
Ready to use marketing materials
Technical support
Regular webinars, further education
Constant innovation
Our partners about their Justfit EMS business.

Justfit Polska - My-fit

Justfit Polska - 4fitstudio

Justfit Madga Foeller

Ready to embark on a life-changing journey with Justfit?

You’re in the right place! Join our ever-growing family of fitness entrepreneurs and kick-start your business today. We can’t wait to welcome you aboard!

Free EMS business library.

Unlock the power of the EMS business with our exclusive library of resources. Delve into a wealth of information, from ROI calculators to compelling case studies and dynamic video content. Elevate your decision-making game and pave the way for your business’s triumph with our comprehensive toolkit.

Connect with our EMS business expert.

Ready to kickstart your EMS business? Gain invaluable insights into the world of Justfit devices and explore exciting new business opportunities. Get ready to supercharge your success with expert guidance and personalized advice.

Marianna Koshkina
Senior EMS business consultant
Peter Hochstein
Senior EMS business consultant
Z przyjemnością informujemy, że nasze przedstawicielstwo w Polsce jest tak skonstruowane, abyś mógł komunikować się z nami po polsku w sprawach dotyczących sprzedaży, obsługi, wsparcia klienta oraz serwisu. Nasz zespół zapewnia szybką obsługę w przypadku jakichkolwiek pytań lub problemów.
Kupując system Justfit EMS, możesz wybrać spośród 3 różnych pakietów, które obejmują usługi takie jak szkolenia systemu EMS, różne opcję wsparcia technicznego i serwisu. Oprócz tego, nasz zespól marketingowy będzie zawsze do Twojej dyspozycji. Pomoże Ci od tworzenia wizerunku, poprzez realizację kampanii, do zbudowania kompleksowej strategii marketingowej.
Wraz z zakupem zobowiązujemy się do ustawowego okresu gwarancji, która zależy od kwoty zakupu. W czasie zakupu naszego systemu oferujemy także możliwość na przedłużenie gwaranci o rok lub dwa. Szybkość reakcji serwisu, obsługi klienta oraz czas trwania naprawy awarii różni się w zależności od wyboru naszego pakietu serwisowego. Aby uzyskać więcej informacji, skontaktuj się z nami.
Po wyborze odpowiedniego stroju EMS, trener pomoże klientowi dopasować kombinezon do ciała i podłącza go za pomocą jednostki stertującej. Trener rozpoczyna sesję na tablecie za pomocą oprogramowania i ustawia intensywności impulsu oddzielnie do każdej grupy mięśniowej, dopasowując do potrzeb klienta. Sesja powinna być skonfigurowana zgodnie z celem treningowym, stopniowo zwiększając intensywność. Zadaniem trenera jest udzielanie wskazówek, pokazanie prawidłowe wykonanie ćwiczeń i korygowanie błędów.
Trening EMS to zbadana i całkowicie bezpieczna forma treningu, która jest od dawna wykorzystywana do celów medycznych i rehabilitacyjnych. By zapewnić bezpieczną pracę, sesje są zawsze prowadzone przez doświadczonego trenera i po odbyciu odpowiedniego szkolenia. Trenerzy znają wszystkie zintegrowane konstrukcje specjalnie zaprojektowane dla naszego oprogramowania, by zapewnić bezpieczeństwo od samego początku. Wytyczne dotyczące bezpiecznego stosowania systemu EMS zostały opracowane na podstawie praktycznych doświadczeń i ich połączenia z badanami naukowymi. Obecnie, te zasady bezpieczeństwa są standardem dla wszystkich profesjonalnych dostawców w zakresie usług EMS, takich jak Justfit.
Treningi EMS są intensywne, dlatego należy być ostrożnym w przypadku ograniczeń medycznych. Dostarczamy szczegółowe informacje na temat wytycznych dotyczących różnych warunków medycznych. Przeciwwskazania bezwzględne (stymulacja elektroniczna nie może być stosowana w tych przypadkach): zaawansowana miażdżyca tętnic lub zaburzenia krążenia, krwotok, silna hemofilia, gorączka, mocna infekcja wirusowa lub bakteryjna, uszkodzenie skóry, rozrusznik, poważne dolegliwości neurologiczne, gruźlica, nowotwory. Względne przeciwwskazania (w razie względnych przeciwwskazań, stymulacja elektroniczna nie może być stosowana na danej części ciała, ale inne części ciała mogą być poddane elektrostymulacji i treningu EMS): otyłość, ostre zapalenie stawów, ostry nerwoból, nadmierne gromadzenie płynów ustrojowych, cukrzyca, obrzęk limfatyczny, implanty metalowe, rany skórne i egzema, postępująca dystrofia mięśniowa, ciąża i menstruacja, poparzenia i oparzenie słoneczne, zakrzepica, żylaki